Malaria Eradication Within a Generation:
Ambitious, Achievable and Necessary

The Report

A bold vision

The Lancet Commission on malaria eradication addresses a bold proposition: malaria, one of the most ancient and deadly diseases of humankind, can and should be eradicated before the middle of the 21st century.

Engineering the future to achieve malaria eradication

The Commission’s report is the first academic document of its kind, and synthesizes existing evidence with new analyses to demonstrate that – with the right tools, strategies, and sufficient funding – malaria eradication can be achieved within a generation. Read an overview of the report.

Strengthening the required hardware, software, and finance

The report highlights three ways to further bend the curve to ensure that the world is malaria-free by 2050 or sooner: improving management and implementation of malaria programs and making better use of existing technologies, rolling out new technologies, and increasing spending on malaria. View the infographic.

Leveraging the best of human ambition and ingenuity 

Eradicating malaria represents the best of human ingenuity, and what can be possible when the world comes together to change the course of history. It will require an extraordinary level of trust and collaboration among all nations. Read the Commission's core conclusions.


Members of The Lancet Commission on malaria eradication are deploying their extensive skills and expertise in malaria to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more.


The UCSF MEI Secretariat

The Lancet Commission on malaria eradication is a joint endeavor between The Lancet and the Global Health Group at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), which serves as the Secretariat and convening body of the Commission.